Privacy Policy

Japan Rugby League One (hereinafter referred to as "League One") has established the following privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") regarding the handling of users' personal information, cookies and similar technologies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "cookies, etc.") on the official JAPAN RUGBY LEAGUE ONE website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website").

1.Personal information

League One does not acquire personal information in connection with the Site. If personal information is acquired in connection with a business other than the Site, League One will handle it in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws, regulations and guidelines for each such business, including notification and publication of the purpose of use.

2.Handling of cookies

The following cookies are set on this website.
With regard to cookies managed by partner operators (so-called 3rd party cookies, etc.), data such as browsing history may be sent to relevant partner operators.
If you wish to opt-out of the use of cookies and other data by partner operators, please follow the procedures on the pages of the respective operators linked below.

Cookies necessary for the operation of the website

These are cookies that are required to use the website's functions, such as navigating between website pages or accessing secure pages. If you reject these cookies, the function you wish to use may not be available.

Cookies to measure effectiveness

These cookies are used to collect information about how users use the website, such as the number of visitors and the most frequently viewed pages. The information collected by these cookies is used to improve the performance of the website, for example by making it easier for users to find the information they need.
More specifically, we use Google Analytics Cookies with the following content.

Purpose of cookiesCookie expiry date
To distinguish between different users2 years
To control the request rate10 minutes

If you do not wish to accept Google Analytics cookies, you can refuse by installing the opt-out plug-in provided by Google.

3.Collection of Web Access Information by docomo's Information Collection Module

This website uses docomo's information collection module to collect data such as customer's website access information. Please refer to the following for details of the data collected and the purpose of use.
Information Collection and Use by NTT docomo on Websites Viewed by Customers

4.Contact point for enquiries

Please direct any enquiries regarding League One's handling of personal data to the following email address.

Email address



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