Terms and conditions of use

These Terms of Use set out the terms and conditions to be observed by users of the official website of the General Incorporated Association, JAPAN RUGBY LEAGUE ONE (hereinafter referred to as the "Site') operated by Japan Rugby League One (hereinafter referred to as "League One").

1.Changes to these Terms and Conditions

League One may change the contents of these Terms and Conditions at its discretion.
If League One decides to change these Terms and Conditions, it shall make the changes, the content of the changes and the timing of the changes known to all users by posting them on the Site.

2.Copyright, etc.

The copyright in the information (including but not limited to information, data, documents, software, music, sounds, photographs, images, videos, messages, text strings, etc.) on the Site belongs to League One or is used by League One under license. Any use (including, without limitation, reproduction, modification, public transmission, distribution, sale or publication) of the information on the Site requires the prior written or e-mail authorization of League One and any third party that has the rights. However, the above does not apply to the following examples, which are within the scope of private use or other uses expressly permitted by law.
Printing out images and photographs for private viewing purposes.
Printing out information for private use.
In addition to the above, use in the following cases shall be permitted in principle, provided that the content is not altered and that League One or a third party holding the rights is clearly stated as the copyright holder.
Use of press release materials and match records for media purposes.
The reproduction of information by authorized educational institutions such as primary and secondary schools, high schools, universities and vocational schools, and rugby teams and schools for the purpose of education or player development, for distribution in the classroom or within the team (however, for distribution outside the classroom or team, written permission from League One is required).

3.Prohibited matters

When using the Site, the following acts are prohibited.

Acts that infringe or may infringe the property, privacy, portrait rights or other rights of third parties or League One.
Actions that cause or may cause detriment or damage to third parties or League One.
Acts that offend or may offend public order and morals.
Criminal acts, acts connected to criminal acts, or acts that may lead to criminal acts.
Acts of making false declarations or notifications, such as registering another person's e-mail address.
Acts for the purpose of business activities or profit-making, or acts in preparation for such activities.
Acts that damage the honor or trustworthiness of a third party or League One.
コActs that use or provide or may use or provide harmful programs such as computer viruses.
Acts that violate or may violate these Terms and Conditions, laws, regulations or ordinances.
Any other acts that League One deems inappropriate.


In operating this website, League One takes the utmost care to ensure that the information is prompt, accurate and useful. However, League One does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, certainty, usefulness or any other aspect of the information published on the site.
Furthermore, except in cases of intent or gross negligence, League One shall not be liable for any damage arising from the use or inability to use the information posted on the site by users.
League One reserves the right to change or delete information posted on the Site, or to suspend or discontinue operation of the Site without notice.
Except in the case of intent or gross negligence, League One shall not be liable for any damage incurred by users as a result of changes or deletions to the information on the Site or the suspension or discontinuation of the Site's operation.
If a user causes damage to a third party through the use of the Site, the user concerned shall settle the matter at his or her own responsibility and expense. Except in cases of intent or gross negligence, League One shall not be liable for any disputes between users, between users and third parties, or between third parties.

Drawn up on December 28, 2021




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