

リコーブラックラムズ東京、Safeguard Global ACT Brumbiesとの

リコーブラックラムズ東京は、2023年10月14日(土)にリコー総合グラウンドにて、Safeguard Global ACT Brumbies(以下、ACT ブランビーズ)とのスペシャルマッチを開催することになりました。



日時:2023年10月14日(土) キックオフ時間未定
場所:リコー総合グラウンド(〒157-0068 東京都世田谷区宇奈根1-5-1)


■ブラックラムズ東京 ピーター・ヒューワットヘッドコーチ コメント
We’re excited to have the ACT Brumbies coming for what should be a really beneficial week
for both clubs.
The Brumbies is a special club, one I’m proud to have been a part of and it has been fantastic for us as a staffing group to be able to spend time in the Brumbies environment and likewise, we will be delighted to have the Brumbies at our facility throughout their stay.
The relationship and connection between us and the Brumbies is already strong and I believe this game and the week they spend in and around our environment will only help strengthen that connection into the future.


■ACTブランビーズ スティーブン・ラーカムヘッドコーチ コメント
 For the Brumbies, and for me personally, the opportunity to play RICOH BlackRams Tokyo is a huge honour.
I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful experience with BlackRams as a player, and the connection between the two clubs continues today and we look forward to connecting again with our alumni, Peter Hewat and Ruaidhri Murphy who have both spent time with us furthering their personal development since departing the Brumbies at the end of 2020.
The team will prepare for the game against BlackRams in Tokyo utilising Ricoh’s facilities and Peter and I look forward to coordinating training and playing opportunities between the two teams throughout the week.”

