2021.10.06リコーブラックラムズ東京、2021年度 追加新入団選手のお知らせ



■2021年度 追加新入団選手

ブレア・カーワン(Blair Cowan)
生年月日 :1986年4月20日(35歳)
主な経歴 :2013-2021 ロンドン・アイリッシュ
2012-2013 ウスター・ウォリアーズ
2009-2012 コーニッシュ・パイレーツ
代表歴  :2014-2021 スコットランド代表(18キャップ)

コメント :Me and my family are really excited and grateful to get this opportunity to join Ricoh BlackRams Tokyo. I have a lot of friends and family played in Japan or currently playing in Japan play in trade on the footy field and could not speak higher on the people or culture and rugby  which really excites me. I‘ve been watching all zoom meetings and some trainings. Watching where the club is going and how they are approaching the season got me really excited. I cannot wait to get stuck into training. Both myself and family cannot wait to get stuck in and get to know the way of Japanese and the game. We are again very grateful for this opportunity. Hopefully I can bring my experience from other leagues and help the team and deliver performance on the field.


ハリソン・フォックス(Harrison Fox
生年月日 :2000年11月1日(20歳)
主な経歴 :2019-2020 レッズアカデミー、ノース(プレミアグレード)
2018 パジュアカレッジ
代表歴  :2020 ジュニアワラビーズ
2018 オーストラリア高校A代表

コメント :I am extremely excited and honoured to join the Ricoh BlackRams Tokyo, experience the Japanese culture and start my journey with the BlackRams. The ambition and goals set by the team are evident and I very much look forward to playing my part, supporting the team. I am grateful for this opportunity and will give my all to make Ricoh and my family Proud.

